Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Evening With Heather Armstrong

Had to share! I went to the book signing for the newly released and New York's Best Seller's List "It Sucked and then I Cried", written by Heather Armstrong the creator of

First of all, let me say that Heather herself is about the most animated and entertaining person I have listened to in a very long time.

You almost feel like your sitting there (with the other 300 woman) listening to your best friend describing her day in very entertaining detail...without an edit button...which makes it all the more entertaining!

The book is just as entertaining....I did catch myself actually laughing out loud several times even though the content wasn't necessarily designed to be funny.

It's that kind of book that talks about alot of things many Moms experience that aren't necessarily wonderful, but its real life.

Very engaging speaker, good read, fun night!

I included a picture of me with Heather....NO COMMENTS PLEASE about the gum in my mouth!! :)


Anonymous said...

did you tell her about Shrinkx?

Janiene said...

Yes Absolutely! Especially since she is about 7 months pregnant! I knew I wouldn't have the chance to really get into great detail, being that the other 299 people would have probably thrown their books at me as I rambled on about my "new baby shrinkx", I decided to "make her a little gift" that somewhat illustrated my "baby" and a card directing her to She was crazy gracious, chatted a while, said she would check it one threw a book at me and I left feeling like I made a new friend and had a huge smile on my face! Very cool lady! Heather is a great inspiration to just get off your rear and do it...whatever that may be. You gotta like that!

Anonymous said...

I saw her on Oprah the other day, she was hysterical!