I was chatting with a friend today that just had her second child, and though she was overjoyed, she had this sadness as well...Boy did that hit home, and I think so many of us Moms can relate.
The second child process...
As beautiful as it is and such a gift...a sibling!
But somehow with it, for a moment...or two, comes this bit of sadness. Feeling like somehow you have placed this precious first born on the "winter" shelf and your now bringing out the "summer" clothes!
NOW know that we place that on ourselves and that isn't at all what our child is thinking or feeling. But at the time I didn't feel that, and it took the words and wisdom of a child to open my eyes...
When I had my second, my kids are just over four years apart, and I was sitting and nursing...again...and my son is sitting watching a program, and I'm feeling horrible that he's sitting watching a program, so I apologize to him.
I said I was so sorry that we weren't at the park or playing a game together, and he looked at me so sincerely, and at 4 1/2 years of age said "You have two kids now Mommy...It's
Of course I cried....
As our families grow, our hearts grow as well, always room for more...